Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Goodbye 2008!

Here's wishing everyone out there a Happy Fantastic New Year!!!

Here's a drawing I did the other day while listening to Michael Jackson's album, Dangerous. Good stuff.

So, Happy New Year! Here's to more drawings, caffeine, animation, movies, fun and time wasting in 2009!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

a drawing

Just a drawing. Nothing significant or terribly exciting, but just something to take up space on my blog. Did this from a photo on the fabulous new LIFE photo archive on Google. I need to finish editing images for posting, so soon, there will be art shared. I'm sick too, which is wonderful, and blah blah blah...

Saturday, December 13, 2008

That's all folks...

I have never worked so hard before in my life. This last semester was insane, scary, amazing, brutal, wonderful, name it. I'm disappointed that I really never posted anything interesting, so that's what winter break is for. Everyone, have a great Holiday and get some sleep. Sleep dammit! I'll be blogging a lot, so I'll see you around the interwebs. I have quite a lot to share. Now, I am having tacos, and life is grand.